Saturday, 5 December 2015


About myself and this blog                                                                                                                                     

This is my first post. It is a completely new adventure for me to start writing a blog. I believe that evidence-based conservation is critical to preserving and properly manage nature. Researchers must be able to provide the best available robust and reliable evidence existing to inform decision-makers. However, I think that there are instances where researchers may do better science by appropriately using and understanding statistical methods.

Yes- that is me in northern Spain, looking out for wolves and bears
I was encouraged and convinced to run a blog with my experiences with statistical ecological modelling, to try to provide some advice on statistical practices. I am not a statistician or a mathematician, but rather I am an ecologist – feel free to correct me if I make mistakes.

My main interests are exotic amphibians and reptiles such as this Red-eared slider

That would be all for today. I hope I would provide some interesting stuff for people interested in applying statistical methods to ecological problems.

Modelling can be a bit frustrating sometimes

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